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Le Conseil International des Monuments et des sites (ICOMOS) était à la dixième session du World Urban Forum (WUF10) qui s'est tenu à Abu Dhabi, aux Emirats Arabes Unis, du 8 au 13 Février 2020. Organisé par UN-Habitat (le Programme des Nations unies pour les établissements humains), la biennale du WUF est la principale réunion internationale pour l’échange de points de vue et d’expériences en matière d’urbanisation durable. Cette année, le thème du WUF était « Cities of Opportunities : Connecting Culture and Innovation ».                                                                                                                                    

Un partenariat en faveur du Patrimoine culturel et de l'urbanisation durable

ONU-Habitat et l'ICOMOS ont célébré la signature d'un protocole d'accord lors de la dixième session du Forum urbain mondial (WUF10) qui s'est tenu à Abu Dhabi, Emirats Arabes Unis, du 8 au 13 février 2020. Visant à consolider leur partenariat pour assurer une protection, une gestion et une exploitation durable du patrimoine culturel mondial. Le protocole d'accord a été signé le 11 février 2020 par Rafael Tuts, directeur de la Division des solutions mondiales à ONU-Habitat et Peter Phillips, secrétaire général de l'ICOMOS.

Le protocole d'accord a créé un large cadre de collaboration entre les deux organisations, avec un accent particulier sur la régénération et la reconstruction urbaines, en particulier dans le contexte du changement climatique. Sa mise en oeuvre est envisagée à travers les quatre domaines clés du changement (DoC) du Plan stratégique ONU-Habitat 2020-23: a) Exploiter la régénération urbaine pour réduire les inégalités spatiales (Doc 1); b) Tirer parti du patrimoine culturel pour améliorer la prospérité partagée dans les villes (DoC 2); c) Rapprocher les actions sur le climat de celles sur le patrimoine (DoC 3); et d) Intégrer les considérations patrimoniales dans la reconstruction et la résilience urbaines (DoC 4). Le protocole d'accord vise en particulier les résultats, notamment: a) Les apports politiques sur le patrimoine urbain dans les directives, législations, plans et projets mondiaux et locaux; b) Connaissance de la relation entre culture/patrimoine et villes/territoires; c) Partenariat actif dans les cadres existants d'ONU-Habitat; d) Piloter des projets communs sur des solutions personnalisables pour la conservation du patrimoine; (e) Suivi des processus et des données sur la gestion du patrimoine.

Une réunion bilatérale s'est également tenue pendant le WUF10 avec les représentants de l'ICOMOS et d'ONU-Habitat, Peter Phillips, Ege Yildirim et Eric Huybrechts, où les travaux ont commencé sur la préparation du premier plan de travail biennal, tel que défini dans le protocole d'accord. Nous attendons avec impatience la mise en oeuvre active de cet accord important, pour aider à faire avancer le nouveau programme urbain, le programme de développement durable à l'horizon 2030, la convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatique et d'autres programmes de politique internationale connexes.

ICOMOS signs MOU with UN-Habitat

[Reste de l'article en anglais uniquement]

The world’s premier gathering for urbanism

Convened by UN-Habitat, the biennial World Urban Forum is the foremost international gathering for exchanging views and experiences on sustainable urbanization. This year, the WUF theme was 'Cities of opportunities - Connecting Culture and Innovation'. Responding to this unique opportunity to raise the profile of cultural heritage in the urbanism community, ICOMOS was strongly represented, both institutionally and through the diverse roles played by its participating members, such as the ICOMOS Climate Change and Heritage Working Group (CCHWG) and the ICOMOS Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (SDGWG).  

The ICOMOS delegation to WUF10 included Peter Phillips (Secretary General/ Australia), Amel Chabbi (UAE; also representing the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism), Ana Pereira Roders (SDGWG member/ Netherlands; also representing TU Delft), Andrew Potts (CCHWG Coordinator/ USA), Claus-Peter Echter (Historic Towns Committee-CIVVIH President, SDGWG member/ Germany), Donovan Rypkema (SDGWG member/ USA;  also representing Heritage Strategies International), Ege Yildirim (SDG Focal Point/ Turkey), Eric Huybrechts (CHN & SDGWG member/ France; also representing L’Institut Paris Region), and Julianne Polanco (CHN Co-Chair/ USA; also representing the State Historic Preservation Office of California).

Heritage and Climate Action

The Climate Heritage Network (CHN), coordinated by the ICOMOS CCHWG, was particularly active, with a suite of sessions, including the Special Session titled “Urban Culture and Climate Change Action: The intersection of urban cultural heritage and climate change” organized by UN-Habitat on February 9, with closing remarks by Andrew Potts (see podcast); Networking Event 89 titled “Mobilizing Arts, Culture and Heritage for Transformative Climate Action in Cities and their Territories”,  organized by the CHN on February 11; and events of the Planners 4 Climate Action network with Eric Huybrechts as a speaker and as a trainer. More detailed information on CHN activities can be found at the link:

Heritage and the SDGs

The ICOMOS SDGWG also had a chance to showcase some of its activities related to urban heritage and sustainability. On February 10, Side Event 39 titled “Measuring and Communicating Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Urban Development: good practices and global perspectives of Riyadh Museum District Youth Challenger" was co-hosted by ICOMOS and Dar al Uloom University, with speakers from United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UN-Habitat. On the same day, Networking Event 59 titled "Culture2030goal: Strengthening the global platform on culture and the SDGs", organized by UCLG, featured Ege Yildirim among speakers, who, along with Stephen Wyber of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), presented the milestone report “Culture in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda”, jointly prepared by ICOMOS, UCLG,  IFLA and other members of the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign Network. 

Supporting a Wide Range of Events and Networks

Beside these, ICOMOS members were invited to contribute to a variety of other WUF10 events by our partner organizations. Some of these were high-level events live-streamed and broadcast at UN Web TV. Peter Phillips made the opening intervention in the 2nd Roundtable of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments (WALRG) held on February 8 (see podcast), as well as an intervention during the launch of the UN-Habitat Flagship Program “Inclusive, Vibrant Neighbourhoods and Communities” held on February 12. The WALRG issued a statement on the occasion of WUF10, which also received inputs from ICOMOS. Julianne Polanco and Ege Yildirim were among the panelists of Dialogue 3 on “Tradition and Modernity: A creative convergence for sustainable cities” held on February 11 (see podcast). Donovan Rypkema was among the panelists of Dialogue 5 on "Urban Planning and Heritage Preservation - Regeneration" held on February 12 (see podcast).

Additional events with ICOMOS contributions included Side Event 16 titled “Heritage Beyond History, Towards A Sustainable And Inclusive Historic Urban Core" organized by the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands on February 9, with Ana Pereira Roders among speakers; Networking Event 45 titled “Art, Culture and Design in Creating City Vibrancy and Strong Community”, organized by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall on February 10, with Claus-Peter Echter among speakers; Networking Event 62 titled “Smart Cities Hold the Key to Sustainable Urbanisation – How Cultural Heritage Integrate into Smart City Environment”, organized by Plan Malaysia also on February 10, with Peter Phillips among speakers; and Networking Event 105 titled "Worldwide Cultural Institutions Between Universal and Territorial" organized by the French Ministry of Culture on February 11, with Ege Yildirim among speakers.

Throughout the duration of WUF10, Donovan Rypkema and his colleagues at Heritage Strategies International participated in the Urban Expo, at booth H9-32.


Habitat Professionals Forum and World Urban Campaign of UN-Habitat

ICOMOS also participated in the steering committee meeting of the World Urban Campaign of UN-Habitat, where we are an associate partner, represented by Claus-Peter Echter, Peter Phillips and Eric Huybrechts. ICOMOS delegates Ege Yildirim and Eric Huybrechts attended the steering committee meeting of the Habitat Professional Forum, a group of urban professionals worldwide that provides expert advice to the Executive Director of UN-Habitat. New statutes were adopted by the Forum and a new chair and co-chairs elected. ICOMOS members contributed to the Habitat Professionals Forum Roundtable on February 12, where Eric Huybrechts was moderator of the group for UNH Strategic Plan- DoC 2: Shared Prosperity of cities and regions, while Ege Yildirim was rapporteur of the group for DoC 4: Urban Crisis Prevention and Response (see podcast).

WUF10 Outcomes

The World Urban Forum concluded with a reaffirmed sense of determination and urgency, both reflected in its official outcome document, the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions, in Executive Director H.E. Maimunah Mohammed Sharif’s emphasis on commitments to action, and in the enriching exchanges among colleagues and stakeholders working on urban issues around the world. The presence of ICOMOS at WUF10 was very beneficial in this regard, in particular for the deepened partnerships and strengthened voice of cultural heritage in the urbanism debates.

Some key messages that we, as the heritage community, received, included recommendations for engaging in climate action through underlining the costs of inaction, bringing heritage together with modern technology, being inclusive of people, and speaking up at international platforms. Among key messages that we were able to have amplified in WUF10 platforms included culture and heritage being both a product and an enabler of sustainable urban development, conserving embodied energy, reducing waste and infrastructure costs; the need for impact assessment methods to ensure respect for biodiversity and cultural diversity; that the greenest building is the one already built, vernacular solutions are often most effective in terms of impact and cost in addressing critical development challenges; and that the cities we build today are tomorrow’s heritage.

The Declared Actions have strong content regarding cultural heritage in its main text, while more stakeholders need to undersign commitments to action to address culture and heritage in their policies and projects. We look forward to improvements in this regard, as we work together with UN-Habitat, UNESCO and all other partners in the convergence of cultural heritage and sustainable urban development.

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