pexels pixabay 158651This page provides information on the situation in Gaza and Israel.

For sharing additional information or signaling an omission, contact 

To stay up to date, you can follow the official pages of ICOMOS Palestine (website, Facebook) and ICOMOS Israel (website, Facebook).

 Read the ICOMOS Appeal on the situation in Gaza and Israel, published on 17 October 2023.

Picto GO TO link Read the ICOMOS Press Release on the Situation in Gaza and Israel, published on 21 December 2023.

Picto GO TO link Read the Statement of the ICOMOS Arab Regional Group on Palestine and the Current War in Gaza in Arabic or in English, dated 9th January 2024. 


For more information

Read the UN summary of the situation, United Nations: Israel-Gaza Crisis.

Read the statement of Blue Shield International ‘Current events in Israel and Palestine’, published on 1 November 2023.